I'll rephrase -Who doesn't?!
Inspired by Meet me at Mikes (hit those ladies up, pronto), here's my list:
- Visit Broadway Markets and do my weekly shopping.
Yes I spent too much money on my Friday off, though this now gives me a totally valid excuse to avoid the supermarket and shop like we were meant to- via the vendor. I also get to do some exercise, I'm drastically unfit. - Buy a book on crocheting, or book a class;
- Source a fantastic paella recipe, for the weekend that my girl Shani and I will be spending recreating our time in Barcelona;
- Grab my camera and take some shots of my new digs to show mama;
- Take my bike for a ride
- Make a zine
- Play the keyboard
- maybe do the laundry...although this is very far down on the list
I have bike envy, particularly because everyone seems to have a bike except for me. I want with a basket- priority!
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