Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Question 7

Do you ask enough questions, or do you settle for what you know?

I allow myself to ask questions when questions are called for, though when a question can be passed in lieu of finding the answer myself, then I will take the road of research. I have no qualms about asking for a response, for help, for clarification; I know I'm not a stupid person, and though my questions sometime may appear simplistic, chances are someone else didn't have the courage to ask what they didn't understand, and would silently appreciate me asking.

I seek answers, I am learning constantly. Learning is rad, though as always, I will only pay heed to things I'm actually interested in. Like in school, I'll tune out if I'm not interested. Glaze over. Zombify.

Currently I am learning about embroidery, bicycle maintenance and Coco Chanel. Oh, I'm also researching the vibrator, all in the name of work research of course. Check out Hysteria...

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