It seems almost irrelevant, though hoping all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I'm not huge on this time of year, my family is small and divorced and I tend to see it as lovely, though very minimal. I go to midnight mass, I thank the Big-G for my blessings and I wake up to a lovely meal.
Again with New Year's, it's never been on my radar. I suppose the aforementioned makes me somewhat different, in which I am, though I've never minded, I've never felt like I'm missing out on anything.
I spent Christmas in the North of England; it was exceedingly cold, though exceedingly beautiful. Alas, it was one of our parties first Christmases, so I suppose it was what Christmas should feel like: magical and childlike. I was thoroughly spoilt this year, and I certainly was not expecting to be. DVD boxsets, money, cookbooks and facials at dayspa's, what else could I need?
I've posted a picture of ice in the garden, just before we left on the 22nd. That evening it started to snow quite heavily; it was such a beautiful train ride with what felt like the whole of England coated in snow.
New Year brings about silly and what is most likely, half-hearted endeavours to do/be/act/love something new. For this reason, I don't do resolutions. Instead I choose to see everyday as a new opportunity and change something then and there if need be. Of course, thinking is easier than doing.
The latter half of 2010 will see me leave England and unpack my suitcase in the city I called home until I was 23. February sees me head to New York City. Other plans include Iceland and Morocco. I'm learning to pace myself though, Europe will always be here, I can come back.